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there was nothing. The existence of life, matter, and all things the eye could see were not yet made viable, until the spears. As the vast emptiness of the void continued, matter for the first time began to take shape in the form of the ideals of time and space. Formulated through an energy unknown, time and space morphed out of the void into existing substances. A swift change fluttered throughout the void.
Alive, touchable, and with what seemed like minds of their own, time and space were there as the first beings in the vast emptiness of the void, until The Spears.
Floating through the void as lost passengers in a sea of endless white emptiness, time and space took control of their newfound existence and capitalized off their unguided journey. Intrigued by one another, time and space grew to understand that they were created to balance each other out.
Cycles went by, and the auras of time and space transformed into what looked like orbs of unimaginable power and infinite knowledge.Time drowned out the blankness of the void with its almost blinding luminosity of curiosity and sense of direction,while space gave off a darker sense of authority and control. The now more mature orbs of time and space were ready to question what they could do. So, they took what they knew a step further beyond their existence by creating, The Spears.Zooming through the void, the orbs of time and space began to shed their circular forms. Out of their destruction came the forging of two Spears that now embodied the luminosity and authority of time and space.
The Clash of
Time & Space

The two new Spears of time and space radiated power beyond belief. Sleek in their newfound mantles, the Spears were massive. They each shared similar characteristics, both having immense blades at the tip. The void was too small for the Spears, so expansion was needed.
The Spears gradually inched toward each other. Throughout the void, the essence of silence began to shatter. The nothingness of the void quaked and rippled as the Spears reached each other. The eerie calmness of nothing shifted into a whirlwind of uncertainty as the Spears grew closer and closer together. As their collision was imminent, the era of the void was at its end.
The Spears of time and space clashed, releasing life, matter, and infinite existence out of themselves and into the void, consuming the void with a new sea of black and stars. The universe was now born.
With the fresh universe scourging with uncontrollable amounts of energy, the Spears' magnetic connection to one another was now even stronger. Omniscient in their existence and proud of their achievement, the Spears realized that their collision sparked a new chapter. But with their clash, they understood that destruction could follow if they were to ever touch again. Fighting the urge to collide once more, the Spears devised a plan to have holders ensure the survival of their creation, the universe.

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