When The All Father returned to reclaim the universe, it launched the Elves of Aoweii into a brutal civil war. The conflict was deciding whom to worship as their deity, the Awoeiinian goddess Hana or The All Father. The elves who worshipped The All Father were eventually banished to one of Aoweii’s moons called Hana. The moon was renamed by the banished elves, to Xarvem (Majesty in Awoeiinian). They worshipped The All Father there as a cult-like society.
Eventually, the Evles of Xarvem weren’t satisfied with constant worship. They wanted to act in glory in the name of The All Father. The Elves of Aoweii were declared heretics and an affront to the mighty All Father. Xarvem elves decreed that they must be killed, all of them. Since then, the Xarvem Elves launched periodic attacks on the planet Aoweii. The Aoweiinians would beat the Xarvem Elves easily each time they attacked, due to a home planet advantage and a vastly larger population. However, one attack did have a lasting effect. Akronak, son of Awoeiinian chief Kronak and brother to Morgana, was killed during a Xarvem raid. This loss was felt throughout the planet.