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Pathryck Blancovitch


LweeVeer is a joint planetary mass consisting of Lwee and Veer. Connected by a space bridge, LweeVeer was first discovered by the Itarian Empire in 510,755 DTLS C6 (During The Long Sleep, Cycle 6).

Lwee and Veer each have their own individual biomes, making the mass a spectacle across the cosmos. With its unique space bridge, LweeVeer has made it possible for the inhabitants to coexist with each other. Although this coexistence has not always been peaceful, the joint planets have thrived for many cycles. 




2.6 billion


612 Million


Davos 1

Davos 2


Davos system


A green and blue planet full of oceans and plains where it is said that the trees are kissed by the sea. Lwee is a land of old families and ancient riches where honor and nobility come before everything. Although much of the history preceding the creation of the people is unknown, many stories have risen among them providing context as to the creation of their peoples.


Long ago the people of Lwee learned how to terraform their planet by means of technology and rituals and successfully bent their environment to better suit the needs of their people. Unknown as who the creators of that technology may be, their results are plain for all to see, they brought all the continents of the world together in the hopes of creating a unified people under the name of Lwee, the initials of the four major continents that existed at the time.


Lwee promises commodity and peace for all who live, with the people of Lwee being soft-spoken and kind, and neighbors caring about each other. Honoring ancient bloodlines, Lwee is dominated by Lords, Dukes and Wardens; all sharing their riches with their brethren. On Lwee, the number one rule above all is survival and cooperation.

Lwee’s Major Cities and Villages: 

  • Bur’s Hall: Ancestral seat of the Bur family who resided over the once mountain of fire since the founding of The Great City of Uradon. During the construction of Uradon no Lweeian family gave more resources than the Bur family. 

  • The Great City of Uradon: Before the unification of Lwee the Bur family warred constantly with the other residents of Lwee, as did they all. Yet upon learning the fate of their planet the families Bur, Sizni and Trila came together to found the Great City of Uradon, named after the man who saved Lwee from the Drake Plague (500,102 DTLS). 

  • Sizni’s Observatory: The Sizni family often warred with the Burs and the Three Sisters, yet upon the discovery of Lwee’s deterioration the founder of the Sizni family Liur Sizni they discussed peace terms with the Burs and the Trila family and provided the plans necessary for the building of the Moon Port and Uradon. 

  • Trila’s Outpost: Originally one of the three founding families The Trila family ruled over the south of Lwee almost uncontested. Yet after the unification the Trila family abandoned their ancestral keep. Now it is overrun by those seeking to flee Uradon’s strict laws.

  • The Three Sisters: It is said that when the Drakes claimed the mountains those that lived there descended for the first time since the days of the elderborn. Settling in the rivers down the mountains the three villagers were named after the daughters of the ancient Mountain Keeper, who ruled over Drake’s Hearth long ago as leader and shaman. Their names were Muncs, Lins, Qus and although the villages seldom deal with Uradon despite being so close, trade amongst themselves has managed to keep the villagers safe from the freezing of Lwee thanks to the warmth of Drake’s Hearth. 

  • Drake’s Hearth: It is rumored that long ago, in the days of the Mountain Keeper an Itarian dragon arrived on Lwee and claimed the mountains for itself. Although the beast rarely interacted with the mountain people, it would occasionally attack and raid their livestock. After the dragon’s death the Drakes began to hatch, although descended from the cosmic dragon the drakes are as much Lwee’s children as much as the ancient dragon’s. Smaller and incapable of spaceflight the Drakes hunt and nest in Drake’s Hearth preying on any Lweeian who dares enter its territory. 

  • The Moon Port: Built by the Sizni’s brilliance and the Bur’s finances and manpower The Moon Port is the single greatest architectural marvel in Lwee. Reaching to Lwee’s core the Moon Port serves as a dock for the Space Bridge that connects Lwee and Veer and has funelled the warmth of Veer’s core to Lwee’s dying embers.

  • Eldranor’s Outpost: North of Drake’s Hearth lies a small keep built by raiders and pirates unwilling to abide by the council of Uradon. Eldranor’s Outpost is lies deep enough in the mountains that no one would dare siege it in fear of facing a Drake attack, yet close enough to the coast that should they be sieged all need be done would be to race to the coast and escape before the ships made their way south east along the coast.


Originally a cold mountainous planet where life was once believed to be impossible, Veer became a vital word. Exposed to the Spear Energy inside of Lwee, Veer has since taken some of the host planet’s characteristics such as great valleys, forests, and mountainous regions full of both flora and fauna.


Although similar terrain can be seen in Lwee, the origins of how this moon became a planet have provided a unique people on the planet of Veer. When the colonization of Veer began many people left the ancient lands of Lwee for the promise of new riches to be found and mined in Veer. When the projects started, twelve families were chosen to lead the mining colonies of Veer and be the moon’s overseers.


As the cycles have passed the twelve families have grown exponentially to the point where traits of them can still be seen in the people of Veer. Due to procreation and colonization, not much of the original inhabitants of Veer still exist, their blood is now diluted with the blood of their colonizers and the slaves they brought. Due to this, the inhabitants of Veer lived a harsh and cruel life before the rise of the Vortigen clan, a family of outcasts and rebels that once successfully liberated Veer from Lwee control.


In recent times both Lwee and Veer have entered into a treaty of cooperation. Although the Vortigen clan has been exiled to the far mountains of the east, their influence is still found among the capital cities of Veer. Today the Astria family controls the mining colonies of Veer and broker fair wages and hours for their workers while keeping Lwee’s greed at bay. Many hope to flourish under the current regime, for their very survival, depends on it, even if there are those who would see the regime burn.


Long before the Itarian conquest of the Davos Binary system, the first of Lwee’s children rose from the southernmost region of the Great Continent, four-legged creatures incapable of speech. It is written that they were covered in horns and fur and lived near the Plains of Yrdula in the south. The great scribes detail their eating habits which primarily consisted of different herbs gathered from the different vegetation that emerged near the Sleeping Mountains. Interestingly enough when the first Winter began, most of these creatures gathered inside of the mountains creating out of them the first homes in Lwee. It was inside the Sleeping Mountains that they survived the harsh winter for two Cycles, forging communities and communicating by sounds and grunts. Yet when Lwee began to warm once more, their homes became their graves as the Sleeping Mountains finally woke as the magma took them all. Today their ruins can still be studied and visited with authorization at your local PCC (Planetary Control  Center).


The inhabitants of the land were blessed by the planet and eventually gained both the knowledge and the technology needed to terraform their world. For a few more cycles, the people of the world gathered and celebrated as they shaped the world around them to suit their needs. But as all great civilizations do, the Lwee eventually began to notice their world was dying. The oceans were drying and the trees were slowly withering, the land no longer had the nutrients needed to sustain life and this once great civilization began to crumble away as if they were nothing more than words in the Book of Time.


It wasn’t until one scientist by the name of Manda Corvus arrived at a solution that the Lwee began to believe in hope once more. Lwee had a barren moon called Veer, cold and uninhabitable, but with the right tools Veer was the key for Lwee’s survival. Taking his plan to the great Council of Lwee the scientist convinced everyone that the only way to keep their planet alive was to siphon off the molten core of Veer. The plan was as ingenious as the scientist, for all they needed was nothing more than the creation of their very own space bridge. By creating a structure so grand they would construct a city on Veer capable of both serving as a dock for the space bridge, and equipped with the necessary tools for the deep excavation needed to reach Veer's core. In the same way, one city from Lwee would be chosen to serve the same purpose.


After much deliberation a deal was made between all the kingdoms of Lwee, to come together as one people and to keep their planet alive. After half a cycle the creation of the space bridge had finally finished and it was launched into the planet’s orbit where once every 27 days the space bridge would connect both Lwee and Veer, and the energy from Veer would bring back the energy Lwee needed to ensure their survival. A most ingenious plan for a world of thinkers, dreamers, and overall, survivors. Yet for all their planning and all their dreaming, the space bridge brought about a consequence that would change the lives of all who inhabited LweeVeer for the rest of the time. 


For many Cycles, the plan worked and for a time the oceans were restored and the world began to thrive. The people lived together as one, in harmony and unity, for they were one with the world. Yet one day came news from the mining colony of Veer, life had been found in the form of a small worm that seemed to eat into the rocks of the moon, creating tunnels and underground passageways that led the miners to discover caches of water. A strange discovery for thousands of years had passed and no life had ever been found, yet the discovery was forgotten as suddenly as it arrived for no one cared what happened in a world that was not theirs. 


Many years passed before all would acknowledge the true consequences of the space bridge, for as the people siphoned off Veer's energy, so too was Veer affected as it came into touch with the Spear Energy embedded in Lwee's core. The discovery of Spear Energy came as a surprise to all and it was later recorded that Spear Energy is the one essence in all of the universe that can bring forth life. In the creation of the Space Bridge the people of Lwee had unknowingly brought life to Veer, and with life came forth change. Eventually, Veer began to become warmer and the ice that covered most of it became oceans of water that later became the birthplace of life for the moon, now planet. After many Cycles, Veer had its own fauna and flora and every day more and more colonizers would arrive from Lwee and claim its land as their own.


For a time both people were content to share in the world as their own, but the greed of Lwee's inhabitants made it so that those who were born on Veer were owed nothing. Lwee's inhabitants saw the people of Veer as nothing more than a slave race, a people that had come to being because they had given them life; even if it was unknowingly. 


Many wars have taken place on LweeVeer due to the different beliefs, customs, and traditions; with one of them going as far as to have reached the space bridge itself. Veer's inhabitants have always been prone to rebel, yet no rebel was as fearsome as Terrus the Plague. By uniting all Veer's children, he brought them together for the first time as one tribe and stormed the mining colony, going as far as to invade the space bridge itself, bringing forth the greatest calamity that has ever struck LweeVeer and the destruction of the original space bridge.


After Terrus the Plague, the peoples of Lwee and Veer lived separately for many Cycles until eventually the people of Lwee arrived to the same problem they had had many Cycles ago and, forgetting their defeat, decided to build a new space bridge.


When they arrived on Veer, the people there were prepared. They had been waiting for this day for thousands of years and upon arriving at the old mining colony found nothing but millions of armed forces willing to die to ensure their world’s freedom. Yet upon arrival, the Admiral of the space bridge noticed the world was not as green as he had heard in the stories, and most of the oceans were beginning to freeze once more. It was then that the Admiral was struck by inspiration and what had begun as an invasion became a negotiation.


All aboard the space bridge were armed and ready, yet the Admiral was the first to throw his gun down and, waiving a white banner, descended alone into the battlefield. There he was met by a man who claimed to be the leader of the Nine Tribes and together they arrived at the conclusion that to ensure survival, both planets would need each other. Yet the people of Veer did not trust the people of Lwee not to invade them. So the Admiral asked that only a group of engineers be left on Veer, that they be kept safe so that the space bridge would be able to siphon off enough energy for both Lwee and Veer, to which the tribe leader agreed as long as the engineers taught his people how to work it themselves.


This led to the treaty between the two peoples and the creation of the planet LweeVeer as we know it today. It is true that to this day tensions may remain high for the people of both planets, the people of Lwee who feel entitled to the Veer’s land and resources, and the people of Veer who wish to be free to lead themselves, yet the treaty stands strong as long as the need for survival exists and with it the promise of peace.

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