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Writer's pictureLuke Geldmacher

Jargun-Ba's Underground Cities: A Haven Beneath the Surface

Greetings Cosmic Nomadics! Deno Wynn here, your guide to the unseen, unheard, and unexplored corners of the galaxy. Here on Jargun-Ba we’ve marveled at the dangerous plants and animals, faced illness and isolation, and last time we met a group of Jargunians and learned a little bit about what life is like for them on Jargun-Ba. 

Now, we’ve been invited to visit one of the secret cities of a clan on Jargun-Ba. And I’ve got to tell you, it was far cooler than anything I expected to see.

Imagine a city carved deep into the ground, hidden from the dangers of the surface and the prying eyes of the Black Palace. A place where Jargunians have learned from the harshness of the planet’s surface and the machinations of the political machine that grinds in the rest of the galaxy, turning it into a fortress for survival and growth. Come with me as we delve deep under the surface of Jargun-Ba and explore a civilization that has survived against all odds. So, let’s dive in.

As before, Ka’vex had me blindfolded when we got into his ship. He told me it wasn’t that he didn’t trust me to spill any secrets, but what I didn’t know couldn’t be interrogated out of me. I have no intent on getting arrested, but it’s safe to say I wouldn’t last long if I were. Your boy here isn’t a hardened solider or a tough-as-nails pirate like Ka’vex. I’m a simple explorer, and while I’ve seen some stuff out here, I am by no means a tough guy.

Once we landed, Ka’vex led me through some wild terrain until I felt the cool darkness of a cave wash over me. After some more walking (through what I assume was a cavern due to the amount of rocks I tripped over) my blindfold was removed and I got my first look at the city known by the Jargunians as Jornal.

My first exposure to Jornal was one of the entrance chambers. I was told there were several entrances and exits to the city for hunters and foragers to move through when they went to the surface and to help speedy exit from different sections of the city should something dangerous get inside. We were met by a group of hard-faced warriors of the clan, who watched me warily as Ka’vex made introductions in the Jargunian's native tongue. Don’t ask me what exactly was said, I’ve never been good with any language. Even on my home planet.

Now, to keep some sort of order to the chaos that is my brain, I’m going to kind of put how the city works into sections. It’s less narrative, but it’ll be a whole lot easier for you guys to follow and keep me from losing track of what I’m saying.

Construction and Architecture

First, the Jargunians use as much of the natural rock formations as possible. Which makes sense. Why work against nature when you can work with it? The series of natural caverns and tunnels present in Jornal is a cast and complex maze if you didn’t grow up here. I got lost several times, but I always had a guide with me that was ready to put me on the right path when I needed it.

For times when natural formations just wouldn’t do, the Jargunians have painstakingly carved what they needed out of the rock with patience and diligence. We’ll go over what those were later on but it was really impressive.

Since there is always rock overhead, there wasn’t the same kind of shelter you might see on the surface. Depending on the function of the building, there were very few ceilings other than what naturally occurred. But there were walls for privacy, and timber cut from the forests above had been used to create more comfortable flooring, walkways, and supports for the structures built up along the walls.

Illumination and Energy

Being down in the caves means if you didn’t do something to provide light you wouldn’t be able to see much. It could also be a little on the cold side. The Jargunians addressed these problems in a few different ways.

For light, they used a combination of sunstones, mosswood groves, and shroomlights.

Sunstones are a type of geode that, when left out in the sunlight, holds a certain amount of that light that’s released when you strike it. The people here usually have a few on hand for when they’re moving around, but there are also larger ones in carts that they bring to the surface and leave them there for a few days before bringing them down again.

Shroomlights are a kind of fungus that grows on the walls of the caverns. The really cool thing is that it grows just about anywhere. You can take a scoop of the fungus and smear it somewhere else and it’ll just start growing there too. This is the main way they light parts of the city because it’s so easy to move around and use. And the bioluminescence gives the city a dreamlike, otherworldly glow.

Mosswood groves are similar to shroomlights in that they use bioluminescence to light things up. The Jargunians usually plant them near the entrances and in larger areas of the city. Mosswood also doubles as a food source, which we’ll get to later.

Since Jornal is so deep underground, they use geothermal heat to keep the place warm. The Jargunians burrow into thermal pockets coming up from the planet's core and have an elaborate system of shafts to let it flow into different areas of the city. If somewhere starts getting too hot, they drop stone slabs on a system of ropes and pulleys to block off the vent and let things cool down. I did not know this at first and spent my first few days sweating it out in the room I had. These shafts help to bring fresh air down from the surface and circulate the stale air out from the deeper areas.

As a quick aside, they did give me my own room. One where I could safely take off my gear and sleep without being completely covered. There’s a small portion of the population that isn’t immune to cyanochaos vapor, and the Jargunians have built a special place for them to live. It sucks because they have to live isolated from the rest of the clan. But, they still have their place among everyone else, and they seem to live happy and productive lives.

Water and Food Supply

Hey! It’s later now. So let’s talk about the food and water situation. 

The Jargunians harvest water from the surface, funneling it down through the caverns and their farms to act as filtration before depositing it into storage cisterns for use in the homes. This lets them use the water twice. Once to water their farms and gardens, and again for drinking water. I still have to boil all the water I drink since I’m not used to the stuff in it, but it’s better to drink hot water than to spend all my time with an unhappy stomach.

The farms consist mostly of the mosswood groves. This makes up the bulk of the Jargunian diet. I have to admit, the raw mosswood looks gross, but after trying it cooked up it wasn’t too bad. They’ve made many recipes over the generations to make it palatable, and it’s rich in nutrients and very filling

Any meat they eat comes from the hunting parties that go out to the surface. Hunting is a dangerous game, so most Jargunians are vegetarians by necessity. But, when an ash wyrm or some bristleback is taken down the people relish in the glorious protein the meat provides.

Social and Cultural Development

Living here isn’t just about survival. The Jargunians have a thriving social relationship and a community-minded way about them. Much of their skills and history are passed down through oral tradition and communal education. Young Jargunians are apprenticed to skilled tradesmen to learn from the older generation and come up with new ways to do things. 

There are several different areas of the city dedicated to teaching. Whether it be the history of their people or more tactile skills, nothing is left forgotten. The most important bits of their history are carved into the walls themselves, mixing artistry with education.

Speaking of art, it seems everyone here uses their spare time to engage in some sort of creative outlet. The walls are painted with murals and wreathes made from plant fiber and scavenged cloth hang from timbers and off ceilings. Nowhere I look is simply the dull grays and browns of stone. The city vibrates with color and the soul of the people here.

Final Thoughts

When I came to Jargun-Ba I didn’t know what to expect. Danger, sure. Adventure, most likely. The Crust, not even a little bit.

One thing I never expected was to be invited to one of the secret cities of Jargun-Ba and find something so rich. The people here live simple lives compared to most of the other planets. Despite their harsh surroundings they live joyously and find pleasure in places I wouldn’t even think to look.

As I travel, I’m learning that everyone has their thing. There are so many different ways to live a fulfilling life. And one thing I’ve learned here is the joy of living simply.

Next time you join me, I’m going to dive into more about the people. One person in particular, Ka’vex. He’s agreed to tell me his story, and he wants all of you to hear it as well.

Stay tuned Cosmic Nomadics, we’re not done here yet.

Deno Wynn

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