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Writer's pictureEric Martinez

'Sky People' of Taelvum: Celebrated Myth or Unseen Phenomenon?

A legend of Taelvum has been taking the entire Davos star system by storm—talks of a mythical race that can fly and take domain over Taelvum airspace. They are called 'Sky People' and legends about them have spanned over thousands of years, the first sightings and accounts were reported as early as the sixth cycle. Recently, there have been new sightings and stories about the 'Sky People' that have broken into the mainstream of the entire system. With these accounts happening, we should ask ourselves, are the 'Sky People' real? The Surface Chronicler reported directly from Taelvum to find out if the legends have any truth behind them.

Taelvum has an interesting way of life compared to most planets, the entire surface is toxic and uninhabitable. The population of Taelvum lives on massive floating islands and built grand cities to enhance their standard of living. Cylabur is the main point of interest for this investigation. It is the central city of the floating city-states of Taelvum. Cylabur acts as a main trading hub, distributing goods throughout the other floating islands, and is one of the very few cities that deal with interplanetary trade. Having such a large and diverse population, it was a great place to ask about the 'Sky People'. A man who goes by Jad was more than eager to tell us more about the local legend.

The grand city-state of Cylabur.

"There's a lot of reasons why people always talk about this stuff," Jad said. "The thing for me is, I don't really care that they fly. I've seen other people fly or float in my travels. It has something to do with Spear Energy voodoo stuff. What gets me is where these people go. The older people in my family say they live in the sky and rule directly over us. I know plenty of pilots and flyers but no such place was ever spotted."

It seemed Jad would regard this legend in its literal sense, just legend. However, he had a different viewpoint when we asked if he believed the 'Sky People' existed.

"I haven't seen them. But my brother Faiko saw one fly over the family home and up into the sky one day while working the field. He described it so vividly to me. I've known Faiko all my life and he would never make up a story like that. So yes I do believe they're out there somewhere, I hope I can see them with my own eyes one day."

This answer was common for the people we interviewed. They either had a story of a sighting or knew someone close to them who did. It should be mentioned that a large sample didn't believe it at all and just called it a myth and a fairy tale.

An artist's rendition of how the Sky People look, based on eyewitness accounts.

One story of the 'Sky People' legend was shared by many of the people and made its way to neighboring planets. Almost a hundred years ago, a local girl fell off one of the floating cities. She was found hours later on the same island where she had her accident, unharmed. When asked what happened the girl would say the 'flying lady' saved her.

We did some digging into the local historical archives to confirm this story. The girl was a real person, she was officially reported missing from her accident and subsequently reported found. However, no confirmation of any flying subject who saved her.

Our efforts could only take us so far in our investigation. We wanted more access to the historical accounts of the planet. Someone of higher authority on the planet would have this access.

The government structure of Taelvum is very unique, as each floating city has its own leader but not a central figure for the planet itself. This seems to have been implemented as a way to keep a balance of power, which worked successfully as Taelvum is relatively peaceful. For proper representation in the Black Palace empire, a planetary officer was assigned. This officer would have overriding powers over all the planet's historical documents.

A view of the skyline from the administrative offices of Cylabur.

Planetary Officer Gyla Ryk denied our request for the planet's full historical archives but did give us an official statement.

"The Black Palace is well aware of the 'Sky People' legend. We treat each planet's culture and stories with respect and honor as if it was our own. We have done a thorough search and report on the 'Sky People' and unfortunately can't confirm their existence. We also have our military outposts that have been patrolling all Taelvum airspace and they haven't reported any unidentified objects. As of this time, there are only retellings and unconfirmed accounts of 'Sky People' but no real evidence. We wish your team well on your investigation."

It would seem our investigation has come to a close. All efforts to obtain deeper historical accounts have been exhausted. So now we circle back to our question at the beginning of this article, do the 'Sky People' exist? It's hard to give an honest yes. No factual information or evidence has ever been found. However, the stories of the witnesses are countless and have lasted the test of time. We would have to regard them only as a myth....for now.

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May 21

how many people accidentally fall off a floating city annually? like...are there precautions for that lmao???

May 21
Replying to

yeah, like are there guardrails or nets? or is it more of a survival of the fittest situation?


May 21

Whats the healthcare system like in Cylabur?


Armani Salado
Armani Salado
May 21


Sounds like a cover up to me, but why? And they said they can't confirm their existence, but do they have evidence of them? Sus.

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