Qibbi was a planet in a faraway sector of the universe. Qibbi has no sun and no moons and has a standstill orbit, spinning in place for cycles on end.
The planet was known for its infamous toxic gas, intoxicating any life form that inhaled it. The fumes also interacted with the planet's atmosphere and illuminated the world, giving the planet pseudo sunlight. The Itarians never discovered the planet as they only visited star systems, using suns to navigate.
Qibbi was visited for the first time during the formation of the Black Palace Empire. Black Palace scouts accidentally found the planet on a survey mission. The scouts immediately noticed the effects of the planet's fumes and were completely inebriated, barely able to move. One scout had enough willpower to make it back to the ship and report back to Black Palace Central Command.
The All Father paid little mind to the odd planet of Qibbi and ordered his forces to never go there again. Eventually, the rest of the planets heard about Qibbi and wanted to see it for themselves.
Qibbi became a retreat from tedious life. Foreigners would go to Qibbi and bask themselves in the fumes for pleasure. The people who didn't have the willpower to leave Qibbi were donned the title Quibblings, a derogatory name.