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Writer's pictureArmani Salado

Viceroy Tirus Seat In Jeopardy As Duke Jahgros Spreads Smears

Corrin's war against The All Father has reached every planet, even the political halls of Rasharth, the capital of Rashalon.

Duke Jahgros Delshire, a man of noble birth and head of Rashalon's oldest families, has had some things to say about Viceroy Tirus.

"The future of Rashalon shouldn't be left in the hands of someone whose loyalty can be questioned," Duke Jahgros said to a gathering of Black Palace Military officials at an event he was hosting at his home in Delshire. The Duke spent the rest of the evening boasting about his family's history and entertaining his high-ranking guest list.

Viceroy Tirus was elected in 800,050 after a heated campaign against Duke Jahgros. Tirus ran on a promise of opening Rashalon's universities to the poorest in Rasho society and also promised to end conscription into the Black Palace Military. Within the first year of his term, he achieved both promises, earning him much more respect among his people. Still, Duke Jahgros had much more to say. At the event he was hosting, The Duke was overheard saying "Tirus would have his daughter marry a rebel instead of aligning Rashalon completely with The Black Palace."

The Viceroy's daughter, Evrii, is married to Corrin, making some within Rashalon's political and nobility class question whether Tirus would jeopardize the safety of Rashalon to protect his own blood. Evrii has made her loyalty to her husband well known, possibly putting her father's seat at risk. Some speculate that Tirus supports Corrin's rebellion, but Tirus has never publicly spoken about it.

The Surface Chronicler reached out to the Viceroy's office but they declined to comment.


To our loyal readers, children of The All Father, and citizens of the Black Palace: We here at The Surface Chronicler want to thank you for your dedication to upholding the truth. These are trying times; with war looming over our heads, and the heroes within the Black Palace Military doing their best to keep us safe, we implore you to keep a watchful eye out. If you see anything out of the ordinary, please report it to your nearest Outpost station. We together can keep this universe from falling into the hands of rebels and degenerates. Remember:

For the Spear. For the Father. For the Universe.

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1 opmerking

Luke Geldmacher
Luke Geldmacher
27 jun.

Where do I make reports of anti-Black Palace sentiment?

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