During the Sixth Cycle, the Itarian Empire invaded the lava world of Vaxlier. After the invasion
and subjugation of the planet, Itarian scribes began to notice large pieces of rock emerging from
the lava-filled ocean.
These rocks were different than others. They radiated a soft glow and upon further examination,
the scribes realized the glow was coming from Spear Energy trapped inside. The empire started
mining the large rocks, creating tools strong enough to sustain the lava’s heat. After viable
samples were allocated, the scribes began testing pieces of the condensed Spear Energy rocks in
controlled settings, quickly figuring out its power capabilities. The scribes dubbed the rocks “Blu
Stone”, due to the light blue glow the rocks radiated.

When word of Blu Stone reached the imperial capital on Itarus, the military had its engineers
test the Blu Stone for weapon usage. Stories of Vorza’s Blade of Euzuer were still common and
those in the military wanted to see if they could recreate something similar. After numerous
attempts, military scientists were unable to melt the rocks. The military called Blu Stone useless
and urged the Itarian Emperor to pull back on spending military resources on Vaxlier and to
suspend mining missions.
This caused fighting between the Scribes of Noplia and Military leadership. The
scribes warned the military that the rocks were not able to be re-molded or chipped any further
to do the dense amount of Spear Energy trapped inside. The scribes cautioned that if the rocks
weren’t handled properly, the rocks could shatter and lose their energy altogether. The emperor eventually ordered the military to revert control of the rocks back to the scribes.

The next couple hundred years saw the Scribes of Noplia set up outposts on Vaxlier for the
mining, harnessing, and studying of the rocks. What the scribes discovered was that when two or
more Blu Stones were in close contact, they created a blast of energy that extended a far
distance. The scribes realized that the larger the Blu Stones, the further the blast reached.
One scribe, an Itarian named Arhnem, traveled to Vaxlier to work in one of the Blu Stone
outposts. He was young and ambitious, leading him to discover something that would change the
course of space travel.
Arhnem discovered that once an object is placed in the center of two Blu Stones, the object gets
launched. After many trials and tests, the scribes were ready to introduce the Dragon’s Gate.
The Dragons Gate became the first inter-system, inter-planetary structure used by the Itarian
Empire to aid space travel. The Dragons Gate used Blu Stones to launch ships at the speed
of light to their destination, reducing travel time. The name is derived from the cosmic dragons of the Itarians. Once the blast initiates, the energy trails resemble that of the energy the dragons shoot from their mouths.

By the Eighth Cycle, the Dragons Gate was opened to the public, making space travel easier and
faster for the citizens under the Itarian Empire. Gates were stationed near every planet, with over
thirty being constructed before the fall of the empire.
In the Ninth Cycle, when the Black Palace took over, the Dragons Gates were renamed to Surge
Ports. The Black Palace limited access to the Surge Ports, charging citizens large amounts of
BPU’s to access. This was to limit travel and consolidate control during the Reconquest Years,
and eventually, the Surge Ports were cut off to the public after the War for the Universe started.